Women of Cane: Harvesting

The Mujer de Caña program is intended to promote equal
for women in the sugar cane agroindustry,
facilitating their
development through training and employment
opportunities that allow them to integrate and grow within the sector.



The program seeks to attract and train women interested in agroindustry, offering them key skills and communicating the job opportunities available, as well as creating spaces to raise awareness about the importance of their participation in the sector.

Labor world

It offers specialized technical training and transversal skills to women entering agroindustry. It also establishes a support network with mentoring and skills development to boost their professional growth.

Comprehensive support platform

This ensures that women can balance their family and work responsibilities by providing childcare and breastfeeding spaces, personal empowerment programs and activities for themselves and their children.

As part of this program, the Sugar Cane Agroindustry will develop a Chapter on Equal Opportunities in its labor policy and a Guide on the Incorporation of Women in the sector.